Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Amazing Game! I guess...

Although the Jackals game was rained out, it was still a great experience. The weather did have a great impact today because we weren't able to watch the game and we were in the rain. To get our food, we had to rush in the heavy rain and use team work to bring it back while one person held on to the umbrella and the other held the food. I guess it was a good activity for us to learn cooperation and teamwork which is always good to have in your life if you need help with anything. We waited under a tent hoping the game wouldn't get rained out. Boy were we wrong. It was raining so hard we had to use a campus bus to get back to camp. I wish i could have actually watched the game for my first time at the Write on Sports camp. At least before the game was rained out i got a chance to interview the Jackals manager, batting coach, and first base coach. When asked about how he felt about his team being in 4th place (out of 6) he responded that "it's not where he really wants his team to be." He also stated that on a scale of 1-10 it would be a low five because his team wasn't playing up to their standards. He also said that when his team is 14 games out from the lead, the outcome of the season didn't look nice. He also remarked that chemistry is the most important part of his team. The batting coach on the other hand, said he would like to see production from everyone on the line up. I wish i could have seen the game and see the batters play but that may have to wait for another day.

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